To register for the "MASTERING HORIZON EUROPE PROPOSALS AND KNOWLEDGE VALORIZATION" that will be held on Wednesday 18th June 2025, please, fill in the following form. 

Event will be held in presence mode only.

Event venue: SOLID 21 Building, Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences (Na Slovance 1999/2, 182 00, Prague 8, Czech Republic)


1. Surname *
2. Forename *
3. Institution *
4. E-mail *
5. What best describes your role? *
Please specify:
6. Have you experience with submitting a proposal to Horizon Europe (Pillar II)? *
7. Have you experience with implementing a Horizon Europe project (Pillar II)? *
8. Are you planning to submit a proposal for an open/upcoming Horizon Europe Pillar II call? *
9. How familiar are you with the concept of knowledge valorization? *
10. Have you used any of the following tools for knowledge valorization? (Multiple choices possible) Have you used any of the following tools for knowledge valorization? (Multiple choices possible)
  • Please specify: